All packed up and ready to go

Well, it’s finalIMG_1934ly here – HOLIDAY TIME

Mummy’s been busy getting all of the important stuff together like leads, food and treats.  We’re also taking our coats as it might be a bit blowy and wet up in the North East and I really don’t like getting wet (unless I chose to by running through pools and into the sea – that’s different from rainy wet).

Amos doesn’t have a clue what’s going on (nothing new there then!) but I’m very excited.

We’re going to Warkworth in Northumberland for a week and we’re meeting up with my best mate Frieda (she lives with my grandma and grandad).  We went there last year too, but we’re going to a different house this time because now there are 3 of us instead of just 2. I’ve been to Northumberland lots and lots of times and I think mummy and daddy want to go and live there one day – I think I would like that too.

It gets a bit blow up North - plays havoc with one's ears
It gets a bit blow up North – plays havoc with one’s ears

I’m very much looking forward to teaching Amos all about the seaside. There’s sand to dig in (he’s quite good at digging already); pools to paddle in, the sea to stand and look at and run away from (it sneaks up on you if you don’t watch it very carefully).  I’ll let him drink the seawater and see what happens!  If he’s got any sense (very debatable) he won’t do it twice – I certainly didn’t – it’s yucky.

Mummy’s a little bit concerned that we might all lose the plot on the first beach visit.  I do get VERY excited when I have lots of space to run around in, and Amos does too.  Mind you, once I’ve done a few laps of the beach I’m usually pretty tired so am happy to poddle about and see what dead things I can find to eat instead.

So, we’re off in the morning once everything’s packed into the car.  With our beds, coats, leads, harnesses, dinners and treats I hope there’s a bit of room left for the humans’ luggage . . .  I’ll probably snooze most of the way there – I hope Amos does too. It will be his longest car journey so far and it will be rather annoying if he keeps jumping up and down on me all the way there.

I’ll let you know how we all get on, but in the meantime here’s a picture of me and my daddy a couple of years ago on a different Northumbrian beach – hmmmm, I definitely think I’d like to live there . . .

